Glass Media

Glass Media

$77.05incl. GST
SKU: Glass Media 15kg
Weight: 15 kg
Product Type: 


  • Ideal as swimming pool and filtration media for inground and above ground pools.


Features & Benefits of Using Glass Media in Your Filter

  • 100% crushed recycled glass that hasn’t been in contact with any food or beverage grade materials or products.
    Bacteria cannot flourish or grow within our unique glass media
  • Non harmful to breathe – glass is not a carcinogenic product creating a safer environment for all
  • Cuts chemical usage by up to 50% due to the self sterilisation nature of the glass and an oxidation process that takes place when water passes over the glass. Lowers consumption of chlorine and coagulants
  • Outstanding performance with real cost benefits over the life of a filter
  • Up to 25% less water to backwash – better permeability results in easier and less backwashing time
  • 25% improvement in turbidity removal over sand media
  • Less likely to block or channel and will not support moss or fungus growth in the mediaDouble insulated to water circuit

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